Eligible vehicle


 DAKAR FUTURE MISSION 1000 is not a race but a challenge open exclusively to vehicles powered by alternative energies. Participating projects will be categorized into the following groups: fully electric, fully hydrogen-powered, or hybrid technology. Mission 1000 serves as a platform to showcase and explore new technologies for the future of mobility, functioning as a dynamic laboratory. While we welcome all projects, we reserve the right to decline those not aligned with our defined energy groups or safety standards.


Registration Process:

(The registration dates are the same that apply for Dakar)

  1. Follow the steps to register and start creating your file: Registration Link
  2. Mission 1000 is a limited category reserved for special projects. Therefore, it is mandatory for all projects to submit a detailed project presentation to A.S.O. at alepandeligny@aso.fr and tviardot-ext@aso.fr. Please note that Mission 1000 is limited to a certain number of projects 
  3. A.S.O. will assess the technical specifications of all projects applying to the Mission 1000 challenge. The Competitors Department will be in touch to validate or reject the application.